This subsim sent so far as to include the sun and moon, even with changing phases. Many types of surface ships are featured, including battleships and carriers. Missions also include shore parties and minelaying. Radio is used to give reports and orders, including downed pilot locations for pickup. Ships in an attacked convoy will change speeds and courses in an attempt to escape destruction. If the sub is near the shore or a carrier, occasional patrol aircraft could cause a bad day at sea. The year the mission takes place determines the level of equipment available. Sub Battle had an impressive list of features. All subs had reasonably correct specifications. For the US, your choice is between S-class, Gato class, and Tench class, with the mission determining the actual type used. For the German side, Type II, Type VIIC, and Type XXI U-boats were available.

Sub Battle supported single missions or entire WWII campaigns in the Pacific or Atlantic. The programmers get an A+ for overall scope. In level four, one could see the rolling sea from the periscope. A window within the screen features specific views such as radar, sonar, periscope, etc. Control and status information was provided on one screen. The user interface was executed beautifully. Enemy ships were all black in color but had good and clearly recognizable forms. It first supported CGA and Hercules graphics, and was later updated for EGA (and really used EGA). This subsim from Epyx was one of the early superstars. The excellent submarine history page at describes the game as follows: Sub Battle has much more depth than Epyx' surface sim counterpart Destroyer, with a lot of factual technical information being provided during the game. Included were the usual world war II theaters, and plenty of features which have been borrowed numerous times over the years by later submarine simulations.
Subsmarine mac simulator#
Epyx' Sub Battle Simulator is an early submarine sim that was quite sophisticated for its time.