#Kingdom new lands farmers not farming series#
England annual time series (1983 to 2022) ( ODS, 142 KB).Livestock maps 20 ( PDF, 1.71 MB, 13 pages).Land use and crops maps 20 ( PDF, 1.31 MB, 10 pages).Livestock maps 2021 ( PDF, 23.3 MB, 7 pages).Land use and crops maps 2021 ( PDF, 31 MB, 9 pages).Illustrative maps to show key land use, crop areas and livestock populations by English county. Local nature partnerships ( ODS, 235 KB).National character areas ( ODS, 600 KB).Areas of outstanding natural beauty ( ODS, 291 KB).
County/unitary authority ( ODS, 1.87 MB). Key land use & crop areas, livestock populations and people in the agricultural workforce broken down by various geographical boundaries. Results by size of farm in the United Kingdom ( MS Excel Spreadsheet, 84.5 KB). Results by size of farm in England ( ODS, 98.7 KB). Results by type of farm in England ( ODS, 365 KB). Key land use & crop areas, livestock populations and agricultural workforce numbers broken down by farm type or farm size bands. The latest detailed geographical data available is for the June 2021 census, with the exception of regional data which is available annually and has been updated to include 2022 results Farm type and farm size This enables us to produce good quality estimates for detailed geographies in those years. On average the survey sample size is small to reduce the burden on farmers however, every 3 to 4 years a larger sample survey is run and every ten years we run a census. The series are updated as new results become available. The information includes long-term trends or detailed results for different types of farm, farm size or geographical area.
The results come from the long-running June surveys of agriculture and horticulture that are carried out each year in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
These data series show land and crop areas, livestock populations and agricultural workforce estimates for England and the UK as at 1 June each year.