You find resources through your travels across the map rather than producing them yourself and there are interesting things you can find across the map as you travel. The gameplay is probably what you expect from a simple city builder with that concept, the twist is that you are actually piloting this city as you fly across the landscape. It has a chill vibe, and a cool Arabian aesthetic which is somewhat unique in the video game space. The game is a city-builder where you play a floating city that slowly expands. Seeing this game on Steam and seeing how chill it looked intrigued me because I thought it might be in a similar vein, and to be fair, it kinda is. I've never found anything that exactly fits what I'm looking for but I've tried a handful of strategy and city-builder games to try to fill that niche. Basically I would love a slow-paced, not stressful game where I can build a civilization and see it spread across the landscape with unique outcomes depending on the choices I make. I have an ongoing quest to find a city-building or strategy game that scratches the same itch for me as playing a low stakes game of Civilization. I could definitely see myself picking this game up again at some point in the future and enjoying it, but as it stands now I'm just not interested. I'll be honest it's probably unfair to give this game a negative review.